This is the first weekend in the season of Lent as we wind along the road to the Cross. I always have the vision of Jesus on the donkey as he makes his way through and on the Palm branches, don't you?
Our road is the same as we take the turns, climb the hills, and drop into the valleys of life on our way to the ultimate reward. Thank God for the Cross which removes our "crosses" every day.
Speaking of "crosses" (vices??), social media has become second nature and primary entertainment for millions of people in this fast-paced world we live in. Entertainment is good! Communication is good! But I feel social media and the devices used for this form of entertainment and communication has NO place in the pews of our Sanctuaries.
We are inundated with information and cellphone communication all week... Facebook, Twitter, Text messaging, email, and on and on. Don't you agree that for the hour we have each day with God in our devotional time and especially the hour we have with Christ as we Worship each week we should have no such distractions???
If there is one thing I think should be given up for Lent it is the overuse and obsession with social media! And if you take something up for Lent, why not take up prayerful communication with your God instead.
That's my opinion anyways.
Have a marvelous and blessed day!
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